Product – Blue Devil
Blue Devil
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Blue Devil was created with the intention of providing businesses that use MYOB AccountRight with a means to integrate a barcode scanning system into their business.
It also provides users with access to a sleek and portable interface to control AccountRight through their mobile device.
Blue Devil provides a multitude of various features including: Sales Orders, Picking, Invoices, Purchase Orders, Receipting, Customers, Stock Enquiry, Stocktake and Barcode Setup.

Sales Orders
With Blue Devil, users are able to manage sales orders from anywhere they can access their company files.
The sales order feature of Blue Devil has the following functions:
- View
- Create
- Delete
- Edit
- Pick

The picking module allows users to accurately and efficiently pick items from a sales order either manually or with a barcode scanner.
The results of the pick can be finalised and submitted as an invoice.

With Blue Devil, users are able to manage invoices from anywhere they can access their company files.
The invoice feature of Blue Devil has the following functions:
- View
- Create
- Delete
- Edit

Purchase Orders
With Blue Devil, users are able to manage purchase orders from anywhere they can access their company files.
The purchase order feature of Blue Devil has the following functions:
- View
- Create
- Delete
- Edit
- Receipt

The receipting screen can be used to verify incoming orders from suppliers and automatically create bills for the associated transaction.

By accessing the Customer feature, users can view their customer information.
While viewing the customer information page, users can view the selected customers current balance, search for invoices for the selected customer and contact the customer directly from the application

Stock Enquiry
The stock enquiry feature allows users to view their stock availability levels of a given item.
The user is presented with information about the selected item including how much stock is available, currently on hand, on order from suppliers and committed to sales orders.

The stocktaking feature of Blue Devil allows users to count and adjust their current quantity on hand.
Users can edit the quantity on hand for any number of items before submitting all of the changes at once through an Inventory Adjustment.
Users also have the ability to create a stock variance report and send this via email.

Setup Barcodes
Users can use this utility function in order to setup barcodes into the correct custom field in AccountRight directly from their device.
Blue Devil can then use the setup values to enhance AccountRight with a barcode scanning system.